The Smartware Niagara to Schneider Electric EcoStruxure Conversion Service is a flexible system that takes a backup from a Niagara JACE (UNC, ENC) and builds a new EBO station for installation on an Automation Server (AS).

The conversion handles almost all R2 elements, including:

  • Controllers and Networks: LON, BACnet, Modbus, ASD, and Third Party
  • R2 Logic blocks converted to Script blocks
  • Custom Program Object TRIPL code translated to Script Blocks
  • Gx Graphics Pages converted to TGML

It also converts a majority of the objects in an Ax/N4 station.

As needed, we will tune the service and its configurations to meet your best practices and preferred system structures.

Please contact us if you'd like to discuss the conversion process in more detail.  The documentation below is specific to converting R2 stations, but the process is essentially the same for Ax and N4 stations.

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